Freyvogel Technologies


The Beginning

For the past 35 years we help to create and transform more than a dozen small and million-dollar enterprises, including technology businesses. In many ways the company was a pioneer in the early stages of deregulation in this country. You see, this was in the mid 1970s and big things were happening in America, especially in terms of new technologies.

The Beginnings of New Technology
Little did we know at the time, but the big Bell Telephone and AT&T monopolies were about to be broken up, creating vast opportunities for new businesses. In 1975 I saw some exciting opportunities and started a telecommunications-consulting firm to help client companies control their communications costs. The concept was fairly new and a little bit radical. We meticulously reviewed our client's telecommunications bills looking for errors, overcharges and other billing mistakes. The radical part of this concept was that we didn’t charge our clients any direct fees for our services. Instead we took the cost of our services out of the savings we found. It was a true "win-win" … our clients saved considerable money on their telecommunications costs and we received a fair fee for our services.

Building A Business
Over time our services expanded and evolved. We began advising clients on long-distance services, telephone systems, teleconferencing and many other technology-based services and products. That company has gone through numerous transitions over the past 35 years — along with the industry itself — but today we still operate that original business, now called Freyvogel Technologies. We continue to serve the telecommunications needs of mid-sized businesses, but we have expanded the services to include energy supply consulting and security systems.

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